

Students enrolled in St. Mark Catholic School must comply with Maryland State law concerning compulsory attendance. The law requires regular attendance during the entire school year. Students are held accountable for times they are absent from school. A principal may excuse a student for necessary absence.


Regular attendance is considered essential for learning at St. Mark School. Students need to develop the work habits and responsibilities required of all of us as we go through life. When a student is absent from school, a parent/legal guardian must telephone the school by 8:30am to report the reason for absence. All absences and tardiness become part of a student’s permanent record.

Absence from school during the academic year due to family vacations is strongly discouraged. Missed work and assignents may only be obtained upon return.

Students who are absent from school may not participate in any after school or evening school sponsored events such as sports, dances, graduation, etc.

When he/she returns to school, the student must bring a written note to his/her homeroom teacher signed by a parent/legal guardian stating the reason for absence. The school reserves the right to require a doctor’s note for absences due to illness or injury or need for assessment/evaluation. A child may not return to school for an extended period, whether continuous or intermittent, parents should consult with the administration regarding appropriate support of the student in fulfilling the school curriculum or alternative arrangements such as home and hospital services through the local public school district.


Truancy is defined as a student absenting him/herself from school without parent/legal guardian permission, or leaving school grounds without permission during the school day. Truancy may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.


Students may enter their homerooms at 7:40am. The school day begins at 8:00am. Any student arriving in their homeroom after 8:00am is considered late and must report to the office with a parent for a late slip. Any student not arriving in homeroom by 8:00am will be marked late by the homeroom treacher. Tardiness is entered on a student’s permanent record. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the homeroom teacher to receive the necessary communication or work that may have been missed due to lateness.

Regular Dismissal

St. Mark School dismisses at 2:55pm. Students will be dismissed by family or “walker” designation into the carline or Melvin Avenue parking lot. Any student not picked up by 3:15 will be sent to After care or Study Hall and charged the hourly rate.

Due to forecasted temperatures St. Mark School will open 2 hours late on Tuesday January 21st