Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

St. Mark School is a parish school. The school’s faculty & staff is led by the principal and assistant principal under the guidance of the pastor. The School Board is an advisory group who work with the pastor and principal in providing a quality Catholic education for Saint Mark students. Members who are appointed by the pastor serve for a term of three years with the possibility of a second consecutive term. The St. Mark School Board, in consultation with the principal, recommends policy to the pastor so that the school will be able to pursue its mission of education in the Catholic Church.


Pastor Father Santhosh George O.SS.T Santhosh.George@archbalt.org
Principal Mrs. Terry Ferro tferro@stmark-school.org
Assistant Principal Ms. Meghan Fennessy mfennessy@stmark-school.org
School Business Mangement School Business Management  bookkeeper@stmark-school.org
Whatley Program Director Mrs. Laurie Tucker ltucker@stmark-school.org
Advancement Director Mrs. Katie Stover kstover@stmark-school.org
Communications Director Ms. Courtney Hancock chancock@stmark-school.org
IT Specialist  Mr. David Plumer dplumer@stmark-school.org
School Administrative Assistant Mrs. Jeanine Kaminski jkaminski@stmark-school.org
School Receptionist Mrs. Robin Workman rworkman@stmark-school.org
School Nurse Sr. Vandana Thomas sthomas@stmark-school.org
School Counselor Mrs. Carly Sites csites@stmark-school.org
Technology Director/Media Specialist Mrs. Keri Engel kengel@stmark-school.org
Preschool 3 Year Olds Mrs. Lara Mellendick lmellendick@stmark-school.org
Preschool 4 Year Olds

Mrs. Candie Morea

Mrs. Laurie Becker



Preschool Aides

Mr. Jeff Javier

Ms. Katie Renehan

Mrs. Jocelyn Marshall




Grade KA Mrs. Michele Taylor mtaylor@stmark-school.org
Grade KB Mrs. Laura Sanders lsanders@stmark-school.org
Kindergarten Instructional Aide Mrs. Mallory Stevens mstevens@stmark-school.org
Grade 1A Mrs. Ann Johnson ajohnson@stmark-school.org
Grade 1B Mrs. Olivia Stanonis ostanonis@stmark-school.org
First Grade Instructional Aide Mrs. Carol McGinnis cmcginnis@stmark-school.org
Primary Resource Teacher Mrs. Kathy Majerowicz kmajerowicz@stmark-school.org
Grade 2A Mrs. Ginger Nalley gnalley@stmark-school.org
Grade 2B Mrs. Linda Ross lross@stmark-school.org
Second Grade Resource Teacher Mrs. Marcelina McGirr mmcgurr@stmark-school.org
Primary Grade Library Teacher Mrs. Joann Callahan jcallahan@stmark-school.org
Grade 3A Ms. Kathleen Malcotti kmalcotti@stmark-school.org
Grade 3B Sr. Teresa Leimbach tleimbach@stmark-school.org
Grade 4A Ms. Juliana D’Alessandro jdalessandro@stmark-school.org
Grade 4B Mrs. Kate Gallagher kgallagher@stmark-school.org
Grade 5A Mrs. Jackie Lyons jlyons@stmark-school.org
Grade 5B Mr. Rich Stevens rstevens@stmark-school.org
Grade 6A Mrs. Olivia Robinson orobinson@stmark-school.org
Grade 6B Mr. Pete Bielski pbielski@stmark-school.org
Grade 6C Mr. Carl Berger cberger@stmark-school.org
Grade 7A Mrs. Kristen Ostrander kostrander@stmark-school.org
Grade 7B Mrs. Kate Le kle@stmark-school.org
Grade 7C Ms. Riley Weber rweber@stmark-school.org
Grade 8A Mr. Philip Zimmermann pzimmmermann@stmark-school.org
Grade 8B Mrs. Kelly Gage kgage@stmark-school.org
Grade 8C Mr. Jim Nachtegall jnachtegall@stmark-school.org
Kindergarten-Grade 5 Whatley Teacher Ms. Megan Workman mworkman@stmark-school.org
Grades 5-8 Whatley Teacher Mrs. Lauren Malcotti lmalcotti@stmark-school.org
Middle School Whatley Instructional Aide Mrs. Noreen Stinson nstinson@stmark-school.org
Art Mrs. Taylor Phillips tstillings@stmark-school.org
Physical Education Mr. Jeff Orsburn jefforsburn@stmark-school.org
Physical Education Mr. Jaylen Jefferson jayjefferson@stmark-school.org
Music Mrs. Tessie Riebling triebling@stmark-school.org
Spanish Mrs. Diana Wingler dwingler@stmark-school.org
Before and After Care

Ms. Megan Workman

Mrs. Sharon Howard

Ms. Cindy Cashour

Ms. Michele Moore



Facilities Manager  Mr. Joe Salkeld joseph.salkeld@archbalt.org
Maintenance Mr. Frank Kelly fkelly@stmark-school.org

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