K-8 Applications
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Any application for financial aid, either St. Mark Parish or Archdiocesan must be made through the FACTS program. Applications for FACTS Tuition Payments and GRANT & AID may submitted online at: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3QNGX
Parish Tuition Assistance
St. Mark does offer parish tuition assistance to parish families.
Parish Family Grants are available only to registered parishioners of St. Mark Catonsville who have been using weekly offertory envelopes for at least one year. Mass attendance is monitored by the use of weekly envelopes. St. Mark school families must use offertory envelopes 40 out of 52 weeks per year or the OTHER FAITHS rate will be charged.
Archdiocese of Baltimore Tuition Assistance
Open to both parishioners and non-parishioners. Apply through FACTS under GRANT & AID. The cost to apply is $30.00.
You must have a completed grant & aid application to be considered for Archdiocese and Parish tuition aid, meaning all required paperwork has been turned in. St. Mark is only accepting 2020 tax documents, no prior year tax documents will be accepted.
Financial Aid Deadline:
Feb. 28, 2021
Any questions call Nora Reiter at 410-744-6560 ext. 235
After the Feb. 2021 deadline, FACTS is still open to receive financial aid applications. However, please be aware that filing after the deadline may mean that your chances of receiving aid are lessened as awards are first distributed to those who met the deadlines on time. Later awards would only be distributed if financial aid funds are still available after the first round of distribution.
Emergency Tuition Assistance
To inquire about Emergency Tuition Assistance, please contact Mrs. Katie Stover in the Office of Admissions at 410-744-6560 x249.
Submission Dates:
Round 1 August 1, 2020 – November 30, 2020
Round 2 January 2, 2021 – June 30, 2021
For additional information about grant and aid, please click here.
BOOST Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today
St. Mark School is a participating school in the BOOST scholarship program.
Maryland’s BOOST Scholarship Program is in its second year and is providing nearly $6 million in scholarships for the upcoming school year to eligible low-income K-12 students toward tuition at a qualifying nonpublic school of their choice.
If you received a BOOST scholarship last year, you must re-apply for the 2020-2021 school year. Awards do not roll over to the new school year.
The application deadline will be announced in the spring and is usually early summer.
Visit http://marylandpublicschools.org/pages/boost/index.aspx to find out if your student is eligible for a scholarship, learn more about the BOOST program, and connect to the official Statewebsite to apply today. Questions? Call 443-510-4501.
Other Scholarship Opportunities Include:
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program The Foundation’s Young Scholars Program is designed to nurture exceptional students who have demonstrated, through academic excellence and extracurricular activities, that they have the potential to excel. Students apply for the program in 7th grade, enter the program in 8th grade, and continue through high school. Applications are typically due in mid-April. For more information and to apply online, visit www.jkcf.org.
Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund The Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund is administered by the Office and Board of African American Catholic Ministries in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The scholarship, named after the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress, is open to low income Catholic students, currently residing in the metropolitan area of Baltimore and enrolled in a Catholic school within the Archdiocese of Baltimore. For more information, call 410-625-8472 or email AACM@archbalt.org
The Knott Scholarship Funds The Knott Scholarship Funds award four-year, full-tuition scholarships to attend a Catholic parish elementary school or a Catholic high school within the geographic area of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. These scholarships are awarded to Catholic students who excel in academics. To apply, the student must be in grade 4 or grade 8, and must live in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford, or Howard County. Contact: The Knott Scholarship Funds, 5850 Waterloo Road, Suite 140, Columbia, MD 21045 , 443-325-7884, Knottscholars@gmail.com, www.knottscholar.org
Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc. Established to provide scholarships to students attending Catholic schools at all levels, and grants to Catholic institutions and organizations helping those who require temporary financial assistance to support themselves and their families. Applications must be postmarked by April 30th. Contact: P.O. Box 19142, Baltimore, MD 21284, Phone 410-494-4463, Fax: 410-494-4492, Email: TheresaFTruschel@gmail.com, http://theresaftruschel.googlepages.com
Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore https://csfbaltimore.org/
Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore (CSFB) is a privately funded organization providing partial scholarships to low-income families in Baltimore City. BOOST is a State Maryland Program, enacted in 2016, to ensure lower-income students could afford the K-12 education best fit for their needs. BOOST provides scholarships to eligible students to enable them to attend a nonpublic school.
We also suggest that you consider asking your own place of worship/church if they have a scholarship opportunity for your child to attend a non-public school.