Letter from School Leadership

Dear St. Mark Families:

Welcome to St. Mark School! We are happy to support you as the primary educator of your child.

In enrolling your child in a Catholic School, you agree to certain important responsibilities. These include:

  • To be a partner with the school in the education of your child.
  • To understand and support the Catholic mission and identity of the school.
  • To read all communications from the school and to request clarification when necessary.
  • To know who your child’s teachers are and to observe parent-teacher conference dates and any special requests for meetings.
  • To discuss concerns and problems with the person(s) most directly involved.
  • To be as actively involved as you can be in the life of the school and to volunteer assistance when possible.
  • To promote your school and to speak well of it to others.
  • To meet your financial obligations in a timely manner and to support the fundraising efforts of the school when possible.
  • To appreciate that Catholic education is a privilege that many persons do not have.

Thank you for choosing to enroll your child in St. Mark School! The entire school community pledges its support to you. May Jesus, the model of all teachers, be our encouragement in this important ministry of Catholic education. Surely He who said, “Suffer the children to come unto me” will bless the efforts made in His name.

Sincerely in Christ,


Terry Ferro, Principal

Due to forecasted temperatures St. Mark School will open 2 hours late on Tuesday January 21st