Tuition & Fees 2024-25 School Year

All returning families must log on to: to re-register. The re-registration fee of $50 per family by December 19th. After December 20th, the fee increases to $100 per family.

Late Fees and Returned Checks

A $30.00 processing charge will be assessed by FACTS for any check returned by a bank. The Business Office reserves the right to require individuals issuing returned checks to make all subsequent payments by cash or money order (field trips, class dues, fundraisers, deposits, etc.)

Failure to Meet Financial Obligations

St. Mark reserves the right to refuse to provide any official school records, including report cards and diplomas, to parents or guardians or to other educational institutions until tuition, fees, and other financial obligations are fully satisfied. A student may not begin a new schoolyear unless prior financial obligations have been met and tuition payments due in the summer are up to date. If tuition falls two months in arrears, the School reserves the right to block a student from attendance on the 15th of the current month for a period of up to five school days. During the course of this period, parents or guardians have the responsibility to make immediate contact with the Business Office to make arrangements for payment. If, at the end of this period, financial obligations have not been met, the student may be asked to withdraw formally from the School.


If a child is withdrawn from the School or is asked to leave, the School reserves the right to retain, pro-rate, or refund monies that have already been paid based on the chart below. In extraordinary circumstances of documented financial hardship (such as a sudden loss of income, serious illness or death, or divorce), the undersigned may contact the principal in writing to request a hardship exception. 

The amount of tuition that a family is required to pay after a withdrawal is as follows:

Date of Withdrawal Tuition Obligation
Prior to May 1st 0%
Prior to July 1st 25%
Prior to September 1st 50%
Prior to November 1st 75%
November 1st or after 100%

    The tuition payment schedule is below. By choosing a Catholic School, a family is choosing to invest in a child’s future. A future of High School, College, and Career success, but more importantly the daily reminder to strive towards an eternal reward in heaven. Catholic school education is a financial investment, and our graduates and their families will attest that it is well worth the investment!

    Payment  Date Due
    First Payment Due May 2025 (Payable to: FACTS)
    Last Payment Due April 2026 (Payable to: FACTS)
        Please contact our business office if you need your payments scheduled for dates other than what FACTS allows.

      Tuition Rates for Catholics: PreK – Grade 8

      *The below tuition rates reflect multi-student discount

      Child Catholic Tuition Rate  Other Faith Tuition Rate Student Fees Not Included in the Tuition Rate
      1 Student $8,457 $9,080 $425
      2 Students* $13,282 $14,528 $850
      3 Students* $15,383 $17,252 $1,275
      4+ Students* $17,484 $19,976 $1,700

        To be eligible for the CATHOLIC RATE, a family must be registered, practicing parishoners who have been attending mass and contributing to the offertory regularly. This will be monitored by the parish. Those who are not meeting the requirements will be contacted by the school and will be in danger of losing the Catholic tuition rate. If you are registered at another Catholic parish, you must have your Pastor sign and attach an official letter stating that you are in good standing.

        Tuition Rates for Part-time Pre-K 3&4

        Number of Children Tuition and Fees Student Fees
        Pre-K3 Three Half Days (Tues, Wed, Thurs) $2,894 $125
        Pre-K 3&4 Five Half Days $4,822 $225

         *Student Fees include books/materials, technology, field trips (excluding 6th Grade Northbay experience and Hershey Park), and health fees. These students fees are per student*.

        Other Fees/Cost





        Whatley Program

        Pupils Receiving Inclusive Diversified Instruction

        Students enrolled in either Reading, Math, or BOTH

        Reading: $1,225

        Math: $1,225

        BOTH: $2,500

        6th Grade Northbay Experience Billed separately for students who attend Price set each Fall
        8th Grade Graduation Fee Fee charged to cover graduation, Hershey Park expenses, and class gift $175
        Chromebook Insurance Per child fee added to your contract unless you opt out. See handbook for policy details.