

We are very grateful for the time and efforts of our school volunteers.  In accordance with the rules set forth by the Office of Child and Youth Protection of the Archdiocese, all volunteers must be VIRTUS trained.  

There are many ways in which families can participate in volunteer activities for St. Mark. Homeroom teachers will coordinate class activities and the necessary volunteers for class events and field trips.

The St. Mark Home and School Association has a list of volunteer opportunities for which they seek assistance. Among these include: lunch and recess monitor, class parties, and special school events. Please look for information to come home via the homeroom emails or the coordinator of each specific event.

We do not require volunteer hours from each family so we seek the assistance of all families to participate wherever and whenever possible in order to provide extracurricular learning activities and the safest environment for our children.  


The St. Mark Home and School Association (HASA) is a parent run organization that fosters a relationship between the parents and school, establishing communication and providing support to the school.  The Home and School Association of St. Mark functions to:

  • Help parents, School administration, and faculty develop a mutual understanding and appreciation of the mission of Catholic Education as lived in this Catholic School within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
  • Provide programs and processes that engage the School families in spiritual, educational, outreach, social, legislative, public relations, service, and fundraising activities that further the mission of the School.
  • Develop supportive systems for communication and service to the local Catholic School

Meetings are typically held once a month on the second Wednesday in the Coakley Room of the Parish Center, however virtual meetings will be scheduled and announced while the school campus is currently only open to only students, faculty, and staff. All are welcome to attend.
Stay in touch! Be sure you are receiving HASA eblasts. Add additional addresses by emailing hasa@stmark-school.org

HASA Board Member Information

2023-2024 HASA Board Members:

President – Megan Tsiamis

Vice President – Stacey Coppock

Treasurer – Danielle Spendiff

Recording Secretary – Alyssa Richarts

Corresponding Secretary – Christine Doyle

Communications Officer – Jessica Ader

Due to forecasted temperatures St. Mark School will open 2 hours late on Tuesday January 21st